This is pretty interesting...

It's been an exciting journey thus far sharing my words here on Blogger! The positive feedback from readers that have faithfully continued to check out each new blog post has meant the world to me. Unboxing many tough memories and revisiting life in my brand of Oceania hasn't been easy, but the introspection has been equally important. In pursuing this idea prompted by those closest  to me, I promised myself my battle plan on tackling a project like this would entail two things: 1) a commitment of at least six months; and 2) inspiration. I'd add one more and that's patience. Patience with my brain as writing block is no joke and patience with myself as life goes on, bringing what life will bring. I feel that I have overall met these three goals. I'm on month seven and life, as the bitch often does, demands my patience needs to be tried. I'm down with this.

So, between revisiting and tackling tough subjects, hearing from one or two long ago critics, and embracing the unique freedom speaking your truth alone provides, I've decided to share that I have joined another platform—Medium.

I recently gave it a try after completely staying in character with my commonly procrastinating self (yes, I'm one of those people). There, you will see some of my most favorite articles here, along with additional new pieces compliments of yours truly. I'm also on Twitter @OnceOceaniaBlog, and if you dare, my personal Twitter handle is @LydiaJoy360 (I can't guarantee my personal tweets don't sometimes show my potty mouth, however).

Finally, I want to thank every single one of you that has taken the time to read my thoughts, offered encouragement and shared your own stories with me. These past few years after leaving Christian Fundamentalism, I have been honored to connect with hundreds of other survivors of Oceanias everywhere and this blog has offered even more opportunities to remind me of the power words hold to practice empathy. You all are incredible, so thanks a million!

Until next time,

Lydia Joy

Photo courtesy: Shutterstock & Medium


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