Happy 1st Anniversary Once Upon a Time in My Oceania!

Spring is starting to show up all around me it seems. Every time I turn around, I'm finding myself outside, soaking up the much warmer sunshine, spying flowers of blue, purple, and yellow dotting the lush green grass. The birds are merrily chirping before the sun rises, greeting a brand new day. And, with springtime comes a special time for this blog...ONE WHOLE YEAR of posts, poems, and stories!

I have to confess, I originally decided upon starting this endeavor, to only commit to three months. Then, three turned into six, and six into an entire year. Although I would have loved to have shared even more posts, I'm incredibly proud of how many I did write, edit and post for all of you, my readers, to read.

Your feedback has been incredible! It has moved me, it has encouraged me and your words have inspired me. 

I don't know how far I will continue to take this blog. I admit, I have thought much about that question and still don't have a solid answer. I guess as long as the words keep flowing and I keep writing, there isn't an end date in sight. I think back from my very first blog post to my latest and I am left in awe on how much I have found myself being able to put into words and phrases my experiences and memories, my ramblings somehow tumbling together to come up with a single coherent thought. I'm thankful for this, really grateful for it. It's not only been therapeutic for me to wade through the murky waters of leaving my past faith, struggle through the uncertainty of deconstruction, but also comforting to find that my words touched someone else's life in even the slightest. All of this means the absolute world to me. There are truly people out there that understand, that just "get it" and because of this, we are never truly alone.

So, whether this blog sticks around for a whole other year or not, let's keep writing, sharing and letting others know we, too, get it.♥️

Thank you all,

Lydia Joy

Photo courtesy: Unsplash


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