To The Girls Who 'Just Won't Get Over It'


I've been right where you are. I've had the same things said to me and about me, too. 

It sucks. 

People don't get it and that's frustrating. 

It hurts. It's damaging. 

It's a negative reminder. 

It's a reminder of the harm done.

No, they don't get it. No, they don't want to either.

They'd rather suggest you are bitter, vindective, seeking revenge. 

But for what? 

For finally voicing a secret not of your own making. A secret that seared your heart, mind, and soul. A secret your body unfortunately can remember all too well.

"I'd think you'd want to forget about it..." 

How do you know that us girls don't wish for the ability to not remember the time(s) our innocence was stolen? Instead, we are forced to relive every, single and agonizing moment. We continue to pay even years later. 

You would think they'd not ask the impossible. 

But they do, because the possible–the seeking of justice–would also reveal their own ugly truths, show that they'd rather let children and women suffer than do away with the wicked in their midst, even the ones in their pulpits.

They are only holy in name, worshiping a god that turns its back to their false appearences of righteous living. A god that while they ignore your pain must be angry on your behalf if righteousness is also its attribute.

And, what about the memories "forgotten," the repressed and very real memories? We don't have a say on this either. Who's to know when one rears its ugly face?

To forget... We don't get that choice, aren't afforded such a luxury. But deep in our nightmares our brains scream for the ability to do just that.

"Forgive and forget..."

You've obviously found such compacity within yourselves to do just that in our place, because our monsters you've forgiven and offered them places of honor, forgetting what evil they are capable of, putting defenseless sheep in their paths yet again.


We are bitter. 

What are to be sweet childhood memories are tainted by an adult's filthy hands. What were to be safe houses of worship were filled with wolves. What were to be God's people were those serving a devil in themselves. 

Their sin caused us to be convinced we were somehow sinners, somehow responsible for the sinfulness that abused us. Dirty. Unworthy. Impure. A burden.

Maybe it was our clothing? they've said.

Sunday best. Flannel nightgown. Dress. 

Maybe it was our looks that tempted these grown up men? We were taught to never look a man in the eye. 

Submission, our role. Silent, a must. Pleaser, our duty.

Maybe we weren't right with God? Or maybe God just didn't do right by us...

To the girls who just won't get over it....

Take your time. Be angry if you need to. Tell your truth to the masses; tell only a trusted few. Seek justice; live justly just for you. You get the say now. No shame. No guilt. You are the master of your own sea; chart those waters of healing as you see fit. Move on or don't. Forgive or forget, there's no wrong regardless. 

You've survived. No one's opinion matters.

They have no right to demand your silence, your subordinance, your loyalty. Not to a pastor in a pulpit, not to a church goer in a pew, not to a denomination on a church sign. 

To the girls who just won't move on...

You're not alone.

Photo courtesy: Unsplash


  1. THIS!!!! These are the ones I stand with,FIGHT for, cry with and wish I could HUG. They are the ones who DEMAND
    tgat WE ALL separate from our Churches who write letters on behalf of their Heinous perpetrarors, who even say one word about their "clothing", who STILL mention the names of the legendary Head wolves in sheep disguises who unapologetically cultivated their protoges to carry on their legacies under their FAKE " honorary Doctorate degrees.All who remain under the leadership of ANY AFFILIATES of THEM... (and we ALL know VERY WELL who they are) are "PARTAKERS OF THEIR EVIL DEEDS"... Words STRAIGHT from the mouth of the God you claim to love. Until you STOP shunning and slandering these girls, boys, women and men and those of us who stand with them because you think you are serving God, staying for your kids, bla bla bla, YOU, who KNOW BETTER and choose to worship a MAN stand in the way of JUSTICE for these whom God HIMSELF says you owe your " service " to. You are NOT advancing the cause of Christ by turning your prideful, indifferent, coldblooded blind eye to the works of evil within your own " wonderful circle" and caused such an epidemic of pain and suffering. You are PART of a Satanic agenda to completely discredit Him. WAKE UP IFB "SAINTS"!!!!!

    1. Thank you for your powerful words. Keep the good fight and standing for victims, my friend.❤️💪

  2. THIS!!!! These are the ones I stand with,FIGHT for, cry with and wish I could HUG. They are the ones who DEMAND
    tgat WE ALL separate from our Churches who write letters on behalf of their Heinous perpetrarors, who even say one word about their "clothing", who STILL mention the names of the legendary Head wolves in sheep disguises who unapologetically cultivated their protoges to carry on their legacies under their FAKE " honorary Doctorate degrees.All who remain under the leadership of ANY AFFILIATES of THEM... (and we ALL know VERY WELL who they are) are "PARTAKERS OF THEIR EVIL DEEDS"... Words STRAIGHT from the mouth of the God you claim to love. Until you STOP shunning and slandering these girls, boys, women and men and those of us who stand with them because you think you are serving God, staying for your kids, bla bla bla, YOU, who KNOW BETTER and choose to worship a MAN stand in the way of JUSTICE for these whom God HIMSELF says you owe your " service " to. You are NOT advancing the cause of Christ by turning your prideful, indifferent, coldblooded blind eye to the works of evil within your own " wonderful circle" and caused such an epidemic of pain and suffering. You are PART of a Satanic agenda to completely discredit Him. WAKE UP IFB "SAINTS"!!!!!

  3. What made you decide to name your blog "out of oceania"? Just curious. Thanks.!

    1. Hey there! It's from a favorite book of mine that was banned during my time in the IFB. I talk about my choice of title in my very first post. Here's a link:


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